Friday, May 6, 2011


Today I was doing resarch on a piece of property we are looking at purchasing
and I found a nifty resoure and thought I'd pass it along. We were told by the
owners of the property we are currenty looking at, that they were class 1 soils
so I did a search for soil types and found some very informative websites that
provide data on soil types. The first one is by the Natural Resources Conservation
service at:
on the top bar they have several catagorys and I clicked on the "Soil survey" tab
and on the top there is a link to another website by the USDA it is the official USDA soil information as viewable maps and tables for more than 2300 soil surveys.
this is the link:

On the top of the page there is a green button to the left and you click on it
and it take you to a map of the united states you can click on the state of intrest
and can even select a specific county. A map of the area if intrest will come up but to display specific soil class info you have to use the aoi tool at the top bar to select a smaller area. The map will then display the specific soil type to your area and has a list of the soil types displayed on the map that can be opened up and viewed. The ony note is that • Web Soil Survey is unavailable nightly between 1:00 AM and 5:00 AM Eastern time for soil survey data updates.
• Web Soil Survey may be unavailable on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 8:00 PM and 10:30 PM Eastern time for scheduled maintenance and software updates.
• Web Soil Survey may also be unavailable the third weekend of each month, and the second Sunday of each month, for scheduled maintenance.
• It may also be necessary from time to time to bring Web Soil Survey down for unscheduled maintenance.

Happy soil hunting!!