Monday, November 11, 2013

Wild Life

A few months ago I was walking the property
when I spotted these deer.  They were very calm
and almost posed for me. Time will tell
if  these deer are a blessing Or curse :)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

A Overview

here is a picture of a Ariel View of our new Farm
The Second is a Topo Map View. As you can see,
we have a small Hill.

Monday, November 4, 2013

New Fencing and More...

Over the last few weeks we have been working on a new fence, Driveway and power. Last week I resolved a potential problem with the power company and got the last few corner Posts up. Still have to install cross brace and wire then the fence is ready to go up. I have had to adjust my fence plan as a few of the fence posts wound up in a wet area and just won't hold up so I'm going short of the property line until I can figure out a solution. The Picture on the bottom to the right shows the new power pole. Meanwhile We are in the process of moving my wife's friend from Klamath Falls Oregon to our farm where she will be the farm manager.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Our new LDG

This weekend I went to Madison Georgia and picked up our new livestock dog. Her name is Maxi and she is 9 mos old but weighs 110 lbs and is bigger than our 2 yr old Rotweillier here she is chillin in her new digs

Sunday, September 1, 2013

New beginnnngs

Before Timber Harvest

After Timber Harvest
We have finally done it.... we just bought 5 acres here in Port Orchard Washington. and with the new farm to be we have decided to change our farm name. I believe that we are going to name it Phoneix Farms. Due in great part of the fact that the funds for this purchase came from the sale of timber on my dad's property ( he passed away almost two years ago. When he was alive, he was opposed to cutting down the trees but last year we found out that the a few trees were infested by bark beatles an the whole stand was threatened  and doomed to become firewood. so my brother decided to have it harvested this year. so, with the death of of legacy I am starting a new one a rebirth as it were.
I will Make a account of my Familiy"s Farming history in later Posts.