Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Driveway Progress

When We Bought it.

A few months later

Over the Last few Months We have made some improvements to our new Farm. One of these
was rhabbing a old driveway. The county considered it a "new" driveway even though there was
a "eyebrow" to a existing old dirt driveway. In the first picture is how it looked when we first
bought it. the Second is after all the brush was removed. The third show what it looks right now.
Two weeks ago I had the local gravel company come out and dump a truckload of gravel on it
 and the other "driveway" on the other end.
current Progress as of post date

The Egg and I

Last weekend I attended a Master Goat Farmer Class to learn all about Rasing Goats.
I drove to the Jefferson County WSU Facility at Nordland,WA. On my way there I passed
by a Road named the Egg and I Rd. I couldnt believe it. Could it be that is is the road named
after Betty MacDonald The Author of the book the Egg and I??. That day I was running late
so I did'nt stop but the next day, I stopped and took this Picture.
I drove down the road and found a guy on a three wheeler and asked about the history and he said,
ya the orginal MacDonald homestead was about half a mile up the road but that it was torn down
a few years ago and a new house was built in it's place.... How cool is that!!